I have been busy lately. When I stopped being as busy I took a break to rejuvenate. So I haven't been commenting on blogs (though I have been reading most of them) and I haven't been posting much other than Quotes from Class.
Here are some things you've missed because I didn't post about them:
Big Things:
- I passed my thesis oral defense (big sigh of relief).
- I turned in the 2nd to last draft of my thesis (bigger sigh of relief).
- My little brother passed his GED test.
- My big brother took care of all his license issues with the state of New Jersey.
- Two nieces/nephews on the way- one due Aug 1, one due Nov 24.
- I bought my cap, gown, tassel, and hood for graduation.
- David signed up for summer school.
- Lee J (nephew) crawls like a mad man, makes the "d" sound, and stands for long periods of time without falling.
- I have been eating healthy foods and feeling good about it.
- Played catch and hit some softballs with my dad. He says I "still got it."
- Made a baby blanket (star shape through crochet) and I'm almost done making another one (patchwork of knit squares).
- I learned how to make some new things like baby hats.
Small Things:
- Tulips from our roommate to celebrate the thesis accomplishments.
- David found 12 long gray hairs in a section on the back of my head.
- Less than one month of being a student (for awhile).
- Our dryer broke.
- I still want a dog but it might have to wait another year.
- I want a new lens for my camera because I want to get back into photography this summer.
- Haven't read a book in almost a month (no time and using it as motivation to lose weight).
C.O.N.G.R.A.T.S, Master Ross! Oh, how nerve wracking, walking into that defense, huh? or at least it was for me.
ReplyDeleteYes, it was very nerve wracking, but it was better since I had many of my loved ones there to support me.